- Login at everywherek.com with your registered email address for EverywhereK and your password.
- Click on Post Your Ad
- All adverts must belong to a particular 'category'. These are listed HERE. Choose the correct category for your advert. If you are not sure which category it should come under then please CLICK HERE to contact us. If you choose the wrong category the advert will be rejected and you will be told which category to use so that you can resubmit your advert.
- Tick the 'Send Anonymous' box if you'd like to submit your advert anonymously. There is a small extra charge - but we can guarantee that other people will NOT know your name, but will still have the ability to reply to you by email.
- Tick the 'Send Everywhere' box to also send your advert to other locations around the world (either in place of your home location, or in addition to it, or indeed instead of it) for just a little more.
- If you wish, you can add up to 4 attachments to your advert. These can be photographs or files eg PDF, JPEG, WORD etc.
- DO NOT copy & paste any image from your computer directly into your advert. It will not work properly. Instead, always attach it.
- You will be directed to the Payment page, where you be able to pay with credit card, debit card or PayPal.
- When you have submitted your advert you will receive a confirmation email showing you what you have submitted.
- Then when we approve your advert you will receive another email telling you that it has been approved. It will show you what it now looks like, as we may have had to make some alterations to it to make it look better and also remove any email addresses that you may have inadvertently left in any attachments that you have included, as we do not permit these to show.
There are 3 ways in which you can reply to an advert on EverywhereK®
- If you receive every [EK] email from EverywhereK®, simply reply via email to the advert in the same way that you would with any other email you receive in your inbox. Please note that you cannot forward the reply on to other people and expect them to be able to reply to the original sender. Instead, ask the person to whom you have forwarded the email to register themselves at everywherek.com. They will then be able to reply via the website (see point 3 below).
- If you receive the Digest emails from EverywhereK®, rather than every email, simply locate the 'body' of the advert to which you wish to reply and click on the relevant 'Reply' option underneath the advert.
- If you only look at the Ad Listings on the EverywhereK® website to view the adverts, just locate the relevant advert and click on the Reply to Advert button at the bottom right-hand corner. A window entitled 'Reply to Advert' will then appear. In order to reply, all you need to do is to start typing your reply in the gap above the wording of the original advert. You may add an attachment, such as a CV when replying to a Job Vacancy, or a photo for any other reply. You can add up to 4 attachments.
- You cannot reply to your own advert.
If you wish to resubmit an advert on EverywhereK® (& possibly change some text or even the subject line first) and then have it redistributed, here's how to do it very easily without having to type it all out again:
At the end of the process you will be able to pay in the same way as you did with the first advert.
- Login at everywherek.com as normal.
- Click My Ads (at the top of the screen)
- Click on the subject line of your advert that you wish to repost.
- Click on the 'Re-post Advert' button under that advert.
- Proceed as if you'd just typed out a new advert yourself.
- Pay for the advert in the normal way.
- Please login at everywherek.com with your registered email address and your password for EverywhereK®.
- If you really can't remember your password (or just don’t know it) then click on ‘Forgot Your Password?’ and a new password link will be sent to you. Once you click on the link inside that email, you will be able to set up a new password and it will also be sent to your registered email address. You will be able to change this password later if you wish.
- Once you've logged in successfully, click on 'My Profile' (in the top right hand corner) then choose Subscriptions.
- Click on the appropriate ‘Unsubscribe’ radio button(s) & then click the Apply button which is further down the page.
- Choosing ‘Unsubscribe’ means that you will no longer receive emails from EverywhereK® but you will retain the ability to post Adverts, and see all the Adverts should you wish to, by simply accessing the EverywhereK® website.
- The Adverts may not stop immediately, but rest assured that they will stop eventually.
- You will also continue to be able to receive replies to Adverts that you have posted.
- NB IMPORTANT Even though you select 'Unsubscribe', we do however reserve the right to send you the very occasional informational message (but only from us) just to remind you that we are still here & that you are still a member!
- (While you are in 'My Profile', please check that the other information is correct & amend/add it if necessary).
It’s that easy!! If you experience any difficulty doing this, then feel free to call us on +44(0)20 3006 2351.
NB If you do take this option, to stop the [EK] emails arriving, you will still need to login at everywherek.com with your email address & password from time to time just to remind us that you are still there - otherwise your membership may be deleted and you will have to completely re-register.
Thank you for enquiring why we charge for ‘Give Aways’.
To advertise using the 'Give Away' category on EverywhereK® an extremely small charge is required.
The reason behind the charge (just £25) for 'Give Aways' - which may not be immediately apparent to you - is the fact that a lot of people used to try to abuse the system to dispose of complete rubbish (we've been told this!!) and making a small charge stops this practice and it works very well.
Our members would be completely snowed under with 'Give Aways' if they were all free - people would soon then not use our system! They are always free to advertise on Gumtree etc or even take something to the All Aboard or similar charity shops if they so wish. They can even pay the council or private clearance firms far more than £25 to take items away!
As we are a small business, running an independent website with significant associated running & maintenance costs + future development costs, we have to make the running of EverywhereK® economically viable. Indeed, people seem to lose sight of the fact that we vet every single ad/message that comes into EverywhereK® - (no other service does this like we do!). You can even reply to other people’s requests for free.
We just want our loyal members to realise that EverywhereK® needs to ask people to pay an extremely small price in order to continue running and helping so many people. If people wish to have a service like ours then they need to support it. We trust you can understand where we are coming from here.
Remember that in 1 Give Away advert you are NOT limited to just 1 article but can include several if you wish.
This is what has been decided, and you must make your own decision.
Unfortunately we just cannot run an office on pure Chesed alone - as much as we’d really like to!
- Login at EverywhereK.com with your OLD EMAIL ADDRESS and your password for EverywhereK®.
- Go to My Profile
- If you need to change/correct any contact details then don't do this now - instead wait until you've performed the change of email address first and then go back in to change the contact details.
- Overtype the OLD EMAIL ADDRESS Primary email address with your new email address that you wish to use for EverywhereK®.
- Now click Save - the system will ask you to check your new email address & you should find an email waiting for you there from verification@everywhereK.com with a subject line of "EverywhereK® Email Verification [THIS IS NOT A SPAM EMAIL]" asking you to 'verify' your new address.
- Please click on the verification link inside that email ie where it says VERIFY MY EMAIL ADDRESS and the system should tell you that your new email address has indeed been verified.
- You will then be able to login at everywherek.com with your new email address and normal password.
We recognise that receiving every email from EverywhereK® can sometimes be overwhelming, so we have devised other methods by which our users can receive information but in a less intrusive way.
Remember that the default setting for all new members is now Daily Digests
If you wish to limit the emails from EverywhereK® to particular categories, then you are free to set up a rule on your email client program, but we don't offer this facility directly. You can of course 'drill down' to particular categories of adverts on the website, or simply perform a search on our Ad Listings.
This is how users of EverywhereK® can change the frequency of the emails that they receive.
- Please login at EverywhereK.com with your registered email address and your password for EverywhereK®.
- NB If you can't remember your password – don’t worry - simply click on 'Forgot Your Password?' and a new password will be sent to you, providing that you supply your registered email address for EverywhereK® in the space provided.
- Once you've logged in successfully, click on 'My Profile' (in the top right hand corner) then choose Subscriptions.
- Click the appropriate area's button on the screen & then click Apply.
You now have 4 choices:
- Single Ads: Choose this option to receive every posting from EverywhereK®.
- Digests Ads: Choose this option to receive the Digests from EverywhereK® rather than every posting singly. (This is the default option now when someone joins EverywhereK®)
- Both: Choose this option to receive both the Single ads and the Digest ads from EverywhereK®.
- Unsubscribe: Choose this option to stop receiving any emails and just be able to check the EverywhereK® website for the adverts. (NB You may still however receive the odd 1 or 2, but just from us, informing you about the service, every so often).
NB These changes may not happen immediately -so please be patient, while they take effect. (While you are in 'My Profile', please check that the other information is correct & amend/add it if necessary and then click Save)
It’s really that easy!!
If you really get stuck then feel free to call us on 020 3006 2351 or click on Contact Us.
All adverts are distributed once via email. They then remain listed on the Ad Listings for 6 weeks or until a user deletes them, whichever occurs first.
For best results we strongly encourage our members to consider repeating their advert at regular intervals.
Please remember that you must delete your old adverts from the system unless you wish them to stay listed for up to 6 weeks.
Please don’t ask us to do this for you, as it’s really simple for you to do.
This will then stop people bothering you afterwards when the advert is no longer relevant. (People who have received your advert by email/digest may still respond to you however).
In any event, always try to reply personally & politely in order to thank people who have responded to your advert, as they may still continue to do so even after you have deleted it from the website.
Please follow these simple instructions to delete your own adverts from the system:
- Login at everywherek.com
- Click My Ads (at the top of the screen)
- When your adverts appear, click on the advert that you wish to delete and click Delete Advert at the bottom. Click Ok when the system prompts you to delete the advert.
Don’t worry - You CANNOT delete other people's adverts!
If you have any trouble replying to an advert on EverywhereK® via email, or you have simply deleted an advert/message and would like to find it again, please do the following: it will take you literally moments:
Login at everywherek.com and
Go to the Ad Listings
In the Search For: box type in a word or phrase that appeared in the advert to which you wish to reply:
The search item can be any of the following:
- The name of the user - if it’s the full name then please make sure you surround it with single quotation marks. (ie '....')
- A word in the ad.
- A group of words in the ad - please enclose them in single quotation marks (ie '...........................')
and then click on the ‘Search’ button.
You’ll need to click on the subject line of their advert in order to see the original message. Simply click on the Reply to Advert button and follow the instructions in the Reply to Advert box that appears.
There is the possibility that the original submitter of the advert has deleted it - if it is no longer required - this might explain why you possibly cannot find it after doing the above. You also won't find an advert if it's older than 6 weeks, as it is automatically deleted by the system after that time.
Please do not ask us to reply for you - the above system works & you will even receive a confirmation email showing the message that you send to the recipient.
Finally - If you still experience difficulties - a) try using a different internet browser or b) Click on CTRL + F5 and try the above again.
Please login at EverywhereK® with your registered email address and your password for EverywhereK®.
NB If you really can't remember your password (or just don’t know it) then click on 'Forgot Your Password?' and a new password will be sent to you.
Once you've logged in successfully, click on 'My Profile' (in the top right hand corner) then choose Subscriptions.
Click on the check box marked ‘Check this box and set inclusive dates below’.
Then set the start & end dates of your holiday (or when you don’t want to receive any emails from EverywhereK®) at the bottom (using the little calendar symbols) and then click the Apply button. As a tip, Set the To: date before the From: date.
You will also still be able to receive replies to messages that you have posted during this time.
When the To date has been reached you will start receiving the emails from EverywhereK® again. (NB the messages may not stop immediately - but rest assured that they will stop).
(While you are in 'My Profile', please check that the other information is correct & amend/add it if necessary)
It’s that easy!! NOW PLEASE TRY TO DO THIS
If you experience any difficulty doing this, then feel free to call us on 020 3006 2351 or click on Contact Us
Click on Contact Us & tell us about it.
We always want to improve the system.
Please click on Contact Us if you think this may have happened so that you can let us know and we will tell you what to do next.
All adverts are distributed once via email. They then remain listed on the Ad Listings for 6 weeks or until a user deletes them, whichever occurs first.
For best results we strongly encourage our members to consider repeating their advert at regular intervals.
This usually happens if you have marked some of the EverywhereK® adverts as junk (or have not updated your safe & blocked senders to not send our emails to junk).
When any of our members do this, (even by accident) we immediately receive an email from Hotmail to tell us that someone has 'complained' about receiving an email/emails from EverywhereK®.
The people at Hotmail are trying to reduce the incidences of spam being generated and when someone (one of our hotmail users) marks one of our emails as Junk, it falsely gives them the impression that the email is indeed spam.
In order to stop the problem happening we have given our admin staff strict instructions to immediately suspend the member until they contact us.
This explains why you may not have received any [EK] emails since then and also cannot login - or perhaps you haven’t noticed until now??
We will, of course, restore your membership, but in future please only DELETE any EverywhereK® adverts that you don't want - DON'T mark them as junk - otherwise this can affect lots of other hotmail users.
We are just taking precautions.
Please do the following to your hotmail account (using a PC - not a phone and not on a iPad):
Open your Hotmail account
Click on the 'Options' link in the top right hand corner of the page
Click on 'More options...'
Click on 'Safe and blocked senders' and then on 'Safe Senders'
Type in everywherek.com in the box marked 'Sender or domain to mark as safe' available text box and click 'Add to list'.
NB. Since we put these guidelines together Hotmail may have changed the options a little, but the idea is the same.
Please click on Contact Us if you experience any problems doing any of the above.
In future, if you do not wish to read an email from EverywhereK® then simply delete it, ie DO NOT mark it as junk, otherwise your account will be suspended again.
- Go to the everywherek.com website.
- Click on Login (in the top right hand corner).
- Click on Forgot your password?
- On the Password Reset page type in your registered email address for EverywhereK® and click on the Reset Password button.
- A message will appear on the screen asking you to check your emails.
- You will receive an email (from noreply@everywherek.com) with the subject line "You have requested to reset your password for EverywhereK®".
- NB if you haven't received this email be sure to check that it isn't in your junk/spam email folder. If it is, then mark it as NOT junk.
- Click on the link that appears in that email.
- A message will appear on the screen telling you that an email has been sent to you containing a new password.
- You will receive an email (from noreply@everywherek.com) with the subject line "Here is your new password for EverywhereK®"
- Now try to login at everywherek.com with the new password that you have been sent.
- If you now wish to change the password to something more memorable, click on My Profile and then choose the Change Password tab and type in a new password & also confirm it and click on the Change Password button.
If you have any trouble replying to an advert on EverywhereK® via email, or you have simply deleted an advert and would like to find it again, please do the following: it will take you literally moments:
Login at everywherek.com and
Go to the Ad Listings
In the Search For: box type in a word or phrase that appeared in the advert to which you wish to reply:
The search item can be any of the following:
- The name of the user - if it’s the full name then please make sure you surround it with single quotation marks. (ie '....')
- A word in the advert.
- A group of words in the advert - please enclose them in single quotation marks (ie '...........................')
and then click on the ‘Search’ button.
You’ll need to click on the subject line of their advert in order to view the original advert. Simply click on the Reply to Advert button and follow the instructions in the Reply to Advert box that appears.
There is the possibility that the original submitter of the advert has deleted it - if it is no longer required - this might explain why you possibly cannot find it after doing the above. You also won't find an advert if it's older than 6 weeks, as it is automatically deleted by the system after that time.
If you are still experiencing problems then a) use a different internet browser or b) click on CTRL + F5 together and try to perform the instructions above.
Please do not ask us to reply for you - the above system works & you will even receive a confirmation email showing the message that you send to the recipient.
It is possible to ask us to amend an advert after we have distributed it by email.
We must emphasize however, that we can only amend the text or images on the website version on the Ad Listings. ie the advert will NOT be redistributed.
If you want the amended advert to be redistributed via email then you will have to resubmit the old advert with any necessary changes and pay accordingly - for a new advert.
To change the images in an advert (and possibly change the text as well) proceed as follows:
- Login at everywherek.com as normal.
- Click My Ads (at the top of the screen)
- Click on the subject line of your advert that you wish to repost.
- Click on the Re-post Advert button under that message.
- Click on Step 1 (on the left hand side)
- Select the Miscellaneous > General > Amend existing Ad on Ad Listings category
- Click Next
- Carefully change the text in the original advert if required. As a tip, you may wish to left click your mouse on the bottom right hand corner of the advert in order to stretch it a little for editing purposes.
- Now click on the image you wish to change and click on the delete button.
- Now click on the Browse button at the bottom and attach your new image.
- NB. We will adjust any associated links to the new image etc
- Once you have added/amended/deleted the image (and text if necessary) then click Next
- Now continue by clicking on the Pay Now button
To summarise again - this method only changes the text or images on the website version of your advert.
If you want the advert redistributed via email then you will need to resubmit the original advert again.
If this is the case, then you will need to update your Internet Options as per the image below:

We have been told by our engineers that this is the only way of solving the problem, as we have to comply with our payment providers very strict security requirements.
If you are unable to change the settings for whatever reason then try to use Google Chrome or Firefox or another browser.
Sincere apologies, but we no longer allow 'global' thank you emails to be sent via EverywhereK®.
A number of people have complained to us that they already receive enough emails without also receiving Thank You's from people who they haven't actually helped! (Remember that B”H there are many people on the system now and we are sure that they haven't all helped you!!)
Please just write a quick & simple 'Thank You' email to anyone who has contacted you via email.
Text them back if they've texted you, presumably if they've called you, you have already thanked them.
NB Also please make sure you delete your original advert from the archive on the everywherek.com website - by going to Ad Listings on the website & select 'My Ads' from the drop down list and click on the little red Delete Advert button underneath the advert you wish to delete.
If anyone else subsequently contacts you, its because they haven't seen your original advert yet - please just thank them also individually - it will soon stop.
However, if you would still really like to thank people this way (and contribute to our extensive development costs) then kindly submit an appropriate advert using the ‘Miscellaneous > Advice Needed’ category (for which we make a very small charge).
Thanks !
Here are some common reasons why an advert may be declined
Remember that we won't decline anything unless we feel we have a valid reason to do so.
NB PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take the time to read the following fully before deciding to contact us, as usually the answer will be obvious - we know that you might get bored doing this but it saves us unnecessary emails & phonecalls!
1. Advert posted in the Wrong Category.
It is imperative that Ads are classified correctly. It is possible that you have posted your ad in the wrong category. Please re-post your ad clearly and accurately under the correct category. Please do not construct an advert that really should go out as 2 or more separate adverts. Examples of this are selling & requesting items - they must be kept separate.
2. Advert posted where Payment is required.
It may be that this is for a paid advertisement, and therefore you are required to post this ad again under the correct paid category. Please log on again and select the correct category, pay the advertising fee (online), and your ad will be posted. For instance if you are recommending someone, this needs to go under the 'Service Available' category and the person/company being recommended should pay for the advert. Anything posted under the 'Job Wanted' category where in fact the person is offering a service will be rejected and the person should repost the ad under the appropriate 'Service Available' category
3. Email address specified in the body of the message.
For security and anti-spam reasons, we are not allowing any email addresses to be specified in the body of messages submitted to EverywhereK®. It is your responsibility to state in your ad that people should reply directly to it or do so via the EverywhereK® website message archive.
If the email address specified in the ad does not belong to the actual submitter, then the ad may be declined and an invitation will be sent to them to join EverywhereK® so that they can post their own ad.
4. We tried to contact you but your contact information is out of date.
If we are unsure about the content of aa advert posted EverywhereK® we will try to contact the poster in an attempt to understand what it is they are trying to convey. If we are unable to do this we will decline the advert. It is your responsibility to ensure that your contact details are correctly maintained in My Profile. Remember that only we and you have access to them.
5. Syntactical error with your ad - or the ad is ALL in CAPITAL letters.
Either we couldn't understand the basic meaning of your ad and didn't know how to correct it - or perhaps the format of a phone number etc was incorrect and we also didn't know how to correct it.
6. Inappropriate advert.
As we are a system primarily aimed at Jewish orthodox people, we must be particularly sensitive when approving adverts to be distributed. We often identify inappropriate adverts and have to refuse their publication. Please edit your advert and resubmit it.
7. Thank You emails.
As much as we'd like to allow every thank you email, we can't always do this. Just reply to the person (or people) who sent you the information with a simple 'Thank You' in the body of your email. If anyone else sends you even more information - just send them a simple 'Thank You' too. If you still wish to thank everyone globally then please kindly submit an appropriate ad using the 'Miscellanoeus > Advice Needed' category for which we make a small charge.
8. Advert placed on behalf of someone else.
We prefer individuals to register personally on EverywhereK® in order to post their own adverts. If this cannot be done, we (and others) need to know the relationship of the person requiring the posting to the actual poster. Please edit your advert and post it again, ore just ask the person themselves to register at everywhereK.com.
9. Advert repeated too soon.
Except for exceptional circumstances, any advert submitted less than 3 days after a previous one (of an identical or similar nature) will be declined.
10. Requesting copies of computer software.
Unfortunately we cannot allow people to request copies of computer software (or borrow software) unless they state explicitly that they have a purchased a valid licence number for the exact same version of software. Otherwise it is illegal to do this.
11. Adverts concerning children travelling abroad on their own.
Please do not ask us to post adverts requesting children to be ferried/transported/accompanied out of the Jurisdiction of England and Wales.
We are advised that there is a minefield of issues surrounding this, including elements of the Hague Convention, abduction, trafficking, kidnapping, breaches of the Children Act and Family Act Injunctions.
12.Adverts concerning asking people to transport drugs or medicines abroad for other people.
We cannot allow any of our members to attempt to export medicines or other drugs for their friends or even family members.
Please see the following weblink for the reasons why: www.nathnac.org/travel/factsheets/Medication.htm
Many people genuinely do not know these regulations (they just want to utilise unopened medicines or appear to do someone a favour)
With grateful thanks to our EverywhereK® Medical advisor.
13. Adverts concerning investments.
As we are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, we cannot allow our members to distribute such an advert, which would imply that we endorse that a particular investment is good.
14. Currency Exchange.
Please do not ask us to post adverts offering to perform any sort of currency exchange. There are various rules & regulations regarding money laundering so regrettably we cannot allow this. What you ask of us may be perfectly innocent, but our legal advisors generally say this about your proposed transaction:
- We are not a Bank;
- We are not regulated by the Financial Services Authority;
- What you may be asking of us may be subject to Money Laundering Regulations;
- What you may be asking of us may be subject to the Proceeds of Crime Act;
- We may be breaking the Law if you are not declaring money which would otherwise be subject to Tax, and we are assisting you by advertising for you.
For all of these reasons and more, EverywhereK® cannot get involved.
If you would like to discuss why any advert was declined, please call, or email us. Please CLICK HERE to contact us.
EverywhereK uses Cookieguard, a jQuery Plugin to assist in EU Cookie Law Compliance
On May 26th 2012 a new EU directive came into force requiring website owners to provide clear and comprehensive information to site visitors about cookies used and how they may refuse them.
Site owners are now obliged to:-
- tell people that the cookies are there.
- explain what the cookies are doing.
- obtain vistors’ consent to store a cookie on their device.
Cookie Guard allows a user to show all the known cookies used on our website and offers them the opportunity to block or allow non-essential and unknown cookies.
So you will see the image below appears at the top of the screen when first accessing everywherek.com
Please click on the ALLOW in the Cookieguard drop down when you see it.
If you BLOCK the Cookies for the EverywhereK® website then this will affect how you can access it.
- Even if you login with the correct email address and password, your computer will not be able to make a note of this information and consequently the website will not function properly.
- You will also not be able to reset your password.
If you have accidentally blocked the cookies from our website, all is not lost! Simply clear the history in your web browser, or use a program such as CCLEANER, a utility program used to clean potentially unwanted files (including temporary internet files, where malicious programs and code tend to reside) and invalid Windows Registry entries from a computer.
Once you have done the above then the next time you access our website you will then be able to ALLOW the Cookies & the site will function normally for you.
Please contact us if you don't understand any of the above, but it is a really fairly simple procedure to follow.
Simply follow this link to get added to the EverywhereK WhatsApp Status